1) Install and configure xserver-xorg-video-dummy following the instructions at https://techoverflow.net/2019/02/23/how-to-run-x-server-using-xserver-xorg-video-dummy-driver-on-ubuntu/. The config file dummy-1920x1080.conf should be in the same location as your default configuration file e.g. /etc/X11/xrdp/dummy-1920x1080.conf
2) Create a bash script which will be run by cron. I have placed this script in the same location as my FFS installation /opt/FreeFileSync_11.5/Bin
#!/bin/bash -l
echo ""
export DISPLAY=:7
echo ""
echo "Starting X:"
echo "Waiting for 2 seconds to allow X to start"
Xorg $DISPLAY -config xrdp/dummy-1920x1080.conf &
sleep 2
echo ""
/opt/FreeFileSync_11.5/FreeFileSync '/opt/FreeFileSync_11.5/Resources/SyncSettings_Server.ffs_batch'
echo "Kill all child processes which shuts down the Xorg instance."
pkill -P $$
echo "Successful completion"
3) Edit the root crontab with
sudo crontab -e
# FreeFileSync archiving
26 12 * * * /opt/FreeFileSync_11.5/Bin/ffs_batch.sh >> /var/log/FreeFileSync/ffs_batch.log 2>&1