Day-to-day operations without mouse

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Joined: 5 Jan 2021


On one of my computers, I currently don't have a mouse attached. I would like to run Sync jobs without using a mouse. Can you please add a keyboard shortcut which makes the configuration window the active GUI component and allows me to navigate between the configured sync jobs?

From there, I can then initiate the comparison with F5 and the sync with F9, which is nice, but as soon as a comparison has finished and I have closed the confirmation message box, I need to click again into the configuration box to make it active.

A possible assignment would be F2 - I was unable to observe any activity upon pressing that function key while FreeFileSync is active.
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On one of my computers, I currently don't have a mouse attached. I would like to run Sync jobs without using a mouse. Can you please add a keyboard shortcut which makes the configuration window the active GUI component and allows me to navigate between the configured sync jobs? pega3, 05 Jan 2021, 09:14
Sure why not. F2 however is usually for rename operations. Any other shortcut suggestions?
There probably should be a shortcut to get to the view filters as well. (and maybe other windows, e.g. "overview"?)

Better alternative: somehow trigger a selection highlight around one of the panels and change selection via the arrow keys!

From there, I can then initiate the comparison with F5 and the sync with F9, which is nice, but as soon as a comparison has finished and I have closed the confirmation message box, I need to click again into the configuration box to make it active. pega3, 05 Jan 2021, 09:14
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Joined: 5 Jan 2021


Agree, marking the active panel and having the possibility to cycle through them would be even better - since so far no such indicator exists, I did not dare to make that proposal.

As for key assignments, there are so many "standards" out there (e.g. F5 is in so many programs used to trigger a refresh). I thought that FreeFileSync sets it's own standard. :-)
However, for the cycle function, in the guis which I know support that function, it is either "ctrl-tab" (Windows world) or "ctrl-F6" (e.g. in Eclipse gui). I would prefer the latter. Having that possibility available should make the GUI completely operable with keyboard only, so it would be a nice feature addition, IMO.

I'll have a look at the beta version later.
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Joined: 5 Jan 2021


Had a quick test with the beta, works like a charm. Definitely improves the usability for me, because I usually have my hands on the keyboard and not on the mouse.
Thanks for the fast reaction!