Dedicated PC to run FFS backups / sync's ?

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David Morrow

Just sharing an idea here.

I have both QNAP and Synology NAS's on my network ; I use one to backup to the other in a separate building on my property. On top of that I also have the usual PC's and cloud accounts on my network that are part of my backup routine. I did manage to figure out how to backup the QNAP directly to the Synology with SSH but it was a challenge for a non-techie. I normally just run Free File Sync on my desktop PC but that is turned off each night. I don't mind digging into the various ways to run backups with the NAS apps but am not technically proficient enough nor am I inclined to get as deep as many people.

So, this is a plan that I am considering. I have a decent but older unused Windows 10 PC. I am going to plug this into my home network and it will be left on 24/7 and have no other role but to run the Free File Sync according to my schedule triggered by Windows Task Scheduler. This may not be the best, the fastest, nor the most optimized way to run backups / syncs to and from the various network devices and cloud accounts, but it sure cleans up things and the troubleshooting should be nearly non-existent.
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the standalone pc should work, i have a similar set-up, but i think you can backup qnap to syn and reverse with rsync, maybe if you provide more details i can provide hint or help.
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That would definitely work! It's simple, even though it's not technically the 'best' since you add another failure point, but that may be acceptable to you!