Feature request: highlight the files which are done

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FreeFileSync is great! Since I use it often even during the day to update Project files while working, it would be great to get a visaul feedback which files in the browser are already synced.

Furthermore it would be great to have access to the browser window while syncing. sometimes I want to check the date of a file in the browser and just need to make the window bigger or use the side bars. this is not possible atm, when syncing.
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You mean when the main FFS window goes gray and "locks" because the sync has started and is displaying the progress window in the foreground?
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yes :)
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I actually CAN make the window bigger, just realized that, but the point is to be able to rearange the colums. it happend to me that I wanted to check a file size, while syncing. Due to the coulum layout the number was half outside the window frame. I had to wait to rearrange the column widths.
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I see more problems than solutions arising from allowing the main window to be interacted with. Why are you checking size mid-sync? Maybe there is another solution
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it in general just a checking thing... "is the file I just worked on inside the list?" ...mh cannot scroll the list, mybe it's on th bottom. just that kinda thing.
And I can't check after sync is finish, because the list then dissappears.

Access to a logfile that got updated during the sync would do it as well for me.
sometimes if i have a hour synctime it would be nice to check if an important file, is allrerady synced.

Having said this. it would be also nice to have a little Priority checkbox infront of all files, if checked those files go first, or ..more fancy a number i can put in and all files with no.1 go first, then 2, then 3....
