Can't get RealTimeSync to work

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I have donation edition 11.6. This may be a stupid question, but I've tried to follow the directions in the online manual, but when I click "Start", I get the message "Command "" failed." Trying to follow the instructions, I've pasted them & said what I did.

Here's what I did. I created two folders on my desktop called source & target. Then here's what I did.
1. "Start RealTimeSync.exe located in FreeFileSync's installation directory and enter the folders you want to monitor." Did this.

2. "Instead of doing this manually you can import an ffs_batch file via Menu → File → Open or simply via drag and drop." I did this using drop & drag. See attachment.

3. "RealTimeSync will not only extract all directories relevant for synchronization, but will also set up the command line to execute the ffs_batch file each time changes are detected." I took this to mean that RealTimeSync would automatically set up whatever I needed.

4. "Now press Start to begin monitoring." I did this & then got the above error message.

It occurs to me that I must set up a batch file first. I'm not sure how to do this. Do I set it up in the source or target folder? Do I manually do a synchronization & then start realtimesync?

Thank you in advance.
RealTimeSync1.png (32.47 KiB) Viewed 1755 times
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It does not look like you dragged a *.ffs-batch file into the RTS window, as the Command line instruction invoking FreeFileSync to run the specified *.ffs_batch file is missing.
Instead, it seems that you dragged&dropped the source and target location into the "Folders to watch".

> It occurs to me that I must set up a batch file first
This seems to confirm you have not defined (and saved) your FFS sync to be run upon detecting changes in the RTS monitored folder(s).

You first need to define a FFS sync (normally in the FFS GUI), verify that the sync works correctly, and then save it as a *.ffs_batch file. See the Tutorials on Batch Jobs and RealTimeSync.
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Set up the sync configuration in FFS and click the "save as..." button that corresponds to saving a batch job. This will create a .ffs_batch file that you drag & drop onto the RTS window.
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Thank you both!. While I saw the "Save as..." in the upper right corner of FFS, I had never hovered my mouse over the one on the upper right to see the "Save as batch job...". I knew I was missing something simple.
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I followed the directions & it was working. However, I logged out & back in. I noticed that the folders were no longer being monitored.

So I started the RealTimeSync again & got an error message.
RealTimeSync_Error Message.png
RealTimeSync_Error Message.png (15.15 KiB) Viewed 1737 times
RealTimeSync_Dialog Box.png
RealTimeSync_Dialog Box.png (35.71 KiB) Viewed 1737 times
In order to make it work again, I had to start freefilesync & double click the original job. Then RealTimeSync was able to monitor the fodlers.

1) Can I drag a shortcut from the notification area to the startup folder, so that it will always start monitoring if I reboot or logout & in?

2) Why would I get that error message?

Thank you again.
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1) You saved the RTS configuration as a .ffs_real file. Put a copy of that in a startup location:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup for all users
%homepath%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup for just you

2) That is an error from the NAS. Few results on Google, nothing clear
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Thank you again for your reply. I don't have any files that end in .ffs_real. This is what I have:
Sync jobs.png
Sync jobs.png (41.46 KiB) Viewed 1724 times
I tried both a shortcut to & a copy of Info_Internet.ffs_batch in my startup folder & RealTimeSync wasn't monitoring after I logged in & out. So I'm not sure what I have to put in my startup folder or if there's another type of file that I must create.
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Read my first reply in this thread