Been using this for ages and what i found today

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Joined: 21 Apr 2021


I just laugh at myself... been using this lovely software for ages but i only found something that i never realized before...
I have a pair of folders... i have set the sync as bi-directional... all cool until i realized that the program was going to remove 60GB of data on the right folder simply because the files were not on the left. Now, ¿is this suppose to happen? I mean, i expected, in fact, the contents of the right folder to be copied to the left.

Am i missing something?

Kind regards
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If the 60GB was there on the left side during the previous run Two-way sync, and was removed from there since then, the FFS proposed action would be correct for a Two-way sync.
FFS then simply proposes to sync the changes made in the left side to the right side.

If you don't want files deleted from one side to also be deleted from the other side, but instead those files to be "restored" from the other side, you need to use a Custom sync variant.
• For the Difference category "Item exists on left side only" choose the Action "Copy new item to right"
• For the Difference category "Left side is newer" choose the Action "Update right item"
• For the Difference category "Conflict" choose the Action "Leave as unresolved conflict"
• For the Difference category "Right side is newer" choose the Action "Update left item"
• For the Difference category "Item exists on right side only" choose the Action "Copy new item to left"