DST problem with FAT formatted network drive

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I'm new to the forum and at first would like to thank you for this wonderful
My System is Windows 7 and I am using FreeFileSync Version 4.1.

Normally, on FAT formatted drives, FreeFileSync uses a method of creating
additional meta data encoded in the creation time of the corresponding files
in order to cope with the FAT limitations during the DST switch. This works
fine for every PEN-Drive I use.

However, for my FAT formated NAS (QNAP), which is mounted as a network drive,
it does not work. The Drive properties in Windows 7 state this drive as NTFS
format, although it has a FAT format. I googled and found that you cannot rely
on the type shown in Windows when using network drives. This is probably the
reason why also FreeFileSync "thinks" it is NTFS and does not apply the
solution for FAT drives.

I did a full sync the day before yesterday (no metadata was encoded by
FreeFileSync) and today all files are marked as changed. I did a complete sync
again, which took about 10 hours (and again: no metadata encoded).

Is there a way to change this behaviour?
I thought it might be possible to force FreeFileSync to treat the network
drive as a FAT drive. Perhaps using a checkbox in the sync configuration that
can be manually set by the user, if Windows is unable to detect the correct
format type?

Probably there are better solutions.

Thank you very much,
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> The Drive properties in Windows 7 state this drive as NTFS format, although
it has a FAT format
Thanks for informing me of this limitation! (even if it strips down the set of
possible solutions to almost empty)

> Probably there are better solutions.
I truly hope so. I'll open discussion for an improved DST handling here:
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