folder ~ /.FreeFileSync

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hello, my first post!
a minor issue for linux users: the user folder "~ /.FreeFileSync", containing
GlobalSettings.xml and LastRun.ffs_gui files, is created at the first start of
ffs if you install the ubuntu ppa pkg (and is the correct behaviour)
when you compile from sources these files are created directly in the program
folder, and this is undesiderable, there is an option to enable ffs to create
this user foder?
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Just as in Windows, FreeFileSync comes in two flavours: local and portable
installation. FFS distinguishes between the two by checking whether the binary
is located in a directory ending with "/bin/". If not, FFS defaults to local
and saves configuration data into the same directory the binary resides.
Posts: 3
Joined: 29 Sep 2011


you right, a good make install will solve the trouble!