Donating, Pricing

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Posts: 1
Joined: 3 Nov 2021


Hi Everbody,

Here are some people who wrote that the pricing of 20€ is to high to get a full unlimited version.
I can tell you that this is nothing. We have other backup software where we need to pay thousends of Euro every year again and again. The 20€ for such a great tool like FreeFileSync it total nothing, All of us need to be happy that they only want to have 20€.

With regards
Posts: 29
Joined: 13 Aug 2019


Not only that but we also have to consider that you can donate less for less time for updates.
Each donation update is valid *forever* so if you are not so flush you can donate at the point where an update has significant things that benefit you.

Frankly I really like this model and am very happy to donate to keep this fantasic tool updating regularly and getting better.