Hello mates
I have an account with KDrive from Infomaniak in Switzerland where I store my data in the cloud. The data is synchronised using Infomaniak's KDrive software. So far, so good. The problem is that this synchronisation with KDrive requires almost the entire performance of my Windows computer, so that I can only continue to work with difficulty. Even with "normal" applications like Word or Excel, it keeps stalling. When I want to open Windows Explorer, it sometimes takes up to 25 seconds before I can see anything on the screen. Video editing is practically impossible! In addition, "normal" files cannot be synchronised again and again (PDFs, Word files, etc.). When I switch off KDrive, everything immediately works normally again.
Does anyone know what I have to enter where in FreeFileSync so that FreeFileSync can take over the synchronisation with KDrive? I just can't get it to work....
With Infomaniak (https://login.infomaniak.com/de/login?r=%2Fauthorize%3Fscope%3Dcrypt_key%2Buser_info%2Buser_password%2Bprivate%2Buser_info_contact%2Buser_email%2Baccounts%2Busers%2Bprofile_update%2Bnas%2Bmail%2Bevent%2Bvideo%2Bvod%2Bweb%2Bhousing%2Bvps%2Baffiliation%2Bjelastic%2Bswiss-backup%2Bshop_public%2Bcertificates%2Bcloud-hd%2Bdrive%26state%3D%2521wKGvRcM4XDNKdSVNKmiU%26s%3Da%26access_type%3Doffline%26code_challenge%3DA7nYbPV9Ospmm5et3cHDAqt6Wpp_FSFPKdTJTB9hutw%26code_challenge_method%3DS256) I have to enter my e-mail address and my password.
Many thanks in advance!
Kind regards
Synchronisation with KDrive from Infomaniak
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 7 Dec 2021
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- Joined: 11 Jun 2019
Only if KDrive can be mapped as a local location or some kind of (S)FTP location