"&" missing in comparison view

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Posts: 9
Joined: 25 Nov 2019


Ver. 11.15
Portable version used on Windows 10 20H2.
Synchronization type = Two way <->

How to see issue:
Working drive has folder named "Test & Run"
Bkp drive has old folder named "Test"
There is a file in the folder that is not 0 capacity.

Comparison (prior to performing synchronization) view shows the new file name without the "&", but the resulting folder name and logs after the Synchronization show the correct result (folder renamed correctly). Operation completes correctly and log shows correct folder name entries.

Click on Compare and the "Action" column shows a green arrow (like ->+) for the "Test & Run" folder to be updated from the left side to the right side (Working drive ->+ Bkp drive).

Hover over the Action arrow for the folder that was changed in the working drive:
Copy new item to right
[Test Run]

Hover over the Action arrow for the file in the folder:
Move file on right
"XYZ\Test\file.txt" ->
"XYZ\Test Run\file.txt"

FreeFileSync Log shows correct naming changes as expected (the & is in both the "Creating folder" and "Moving file" entries AND the expected operation completes correctly.

Thanks for the future fix.