SFTP Comparison and file list building

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I think,
I m facing a little thing which could be improbe i think.
I use FreeFileSync to sync things from few servers throug SFTP to a centralized backup folder.
Thing is like :
sftp:ip:port --> backup/folder
IP:1111 --> backup/SERV1
IP:1112 --> backup/SERV2
IP:1113 --> backup/SERV3

Problem i face is that all the sources server are on the same IP but a different PORT
If i run backups one after one no problemn but if i make the comparison all at the same time, freefilesync is not able to make a correct source file list.
I think the reason is because the list is made like sftp://ip/<pathtofile>.
Could it be possible to include the port in the file list so everything could run fine in that case.

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Ok i've found a workaround ATM, i put dummy hostname in hosts file all linked to the same ip, and i put those dummy hostnames in freefilesync jobs and all is working fine :)
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I was stumped thinking about a solution, that is so simply genius!
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The "trick" via the hosts-file also works when you need to connect to one and the same network resource under different user credentials. See here.
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FFS really should include the "port" when evaluating whether two paths point to the "same" location.

Fixed: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9t4tz8jbap51g9x/FreeFileSync_11.18_%255BBeta%255D_Windows_Setup.exe
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you mean, like you use a 'DNS C-name' to do this? Is that what you mean by 'dummy entry in the HOSTS file'?

Yeah, I've used a lot of C-names over the years. I couldnt' survive without my own DNS servers at home and work and in my self-hosted playgrounds.

While I'm posting.. is there a subreddit for freefilesync? it IS the 4th most popular website in the world (behind only TikTok, Facebook and Google/Youtube)