Change or disable optional sounds?

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Most of the time I use the batch option of FreeFileSync. Then I use a special
sound to recognize that the synchronization was successful. This sound is part
of the .bat file I also start the ffs_batch files with (e.g. start
sndrec32.exe /embedding /play "Success.wav").
But when I start these batch files I sporadically hear both sounds: my special
sound AND FFS' Sync_Complete.wav. The next time just my sound, and so on. If I
don't start my sound via the batch no sound rings; so I can't hear anything!?
FFS does not start its sound either!
Now I want to play my special sound (NOT the FFS sound!) if I use FreeFileSync
via batch and the FFS sounds (e.g. Sync_Complete.wav) if I use the GUI.
How can I manage this? Is there a possibility to disable the FFS sounds except
deleting/renaming the .wav files?
Thank's for helping!
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> Then I use a special sound This sound is part of the .bat file
Simply replacing "Sync_Complete.wav" with your custom sound is probably the
easiest way to achieve this effect.

> FFS does not start its sound either!
The FFS success sound is always played after synchronization (GUI or batch
mode) except the process is manually aborted by the user or due to an error.

> Now I want to play my special sound if I use FreeFileSync via batch and the
FFS sounds if I use the GUI.
FFS tries to play the same sound file after sync for both gui and batch. So
either this file is replaced by a sound that fits for gui and batch, or it is
deleted thous disabling sound in both modes.
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New with FreeFileSync 10.13: notification sounds are managed via the global options dialog