Excluding Files/Folders from RealTimeSync

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Joined: 19 Jul 2010


Hello first of all I would like to thank the author of FreeFileSync for a
great little program. I have been using it for a couple of days now and am
really impressed with its ease of use and logical user interface. One gripe I
do have is that the help files are limited. However these forums seemed to be
well maintained so that is a plus.

My Problem:

I have created several ffs_batch files for the various folders that I would
like to sync. I have imported these batch files into RealTimeSync to create
corresponding ffs_real files. These files are then included in my Startup
folder so that they load at login. All folder pairs are then monitored and
synced as expected except for one folder i.e. c:\Users\Me.

I would like to sync this folder as it contains all my documents, Music,
Downloads etc however unfortunately Vista seems to be constantly writing to
the hidden \Appdata\ folder and also to NTUSER.DAT and ntuser.dat.LOG1 files.
I have filtered these folders and files out in the FreeFileSync batch file
however they appear to be still monitored by RealTimeSync. This means that
RealtimeSync is constantly calling up the FreeFileSync batch file even though
there is nothing to sync as is proven by the logfile.

My Question:

Is it possible to filter out subfolders and files from RealtimeSync's
monitoring process?
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Joined: 9 Dec 2007


RealtimeSync does not have options to exclude specific directories. The best
solution is to emulate exclusion by "not including", i.e. specify a list of
directories for monitoring.

PS: Excluding single directories technically is not that simple: [404, Invalid URL: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2977911&group_id=234430&atid=1093083]