compare by file content. error?

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sory for the many different posts, but it may help others to separate
different issues ...

I tried the following: (left to right sync)

take a file which is right side only (actually a wordpad file xxx.rtf out of

copy it to the left side.
Edit and add a space somewhere (wow, files is opened by word instead of
wordpad, and size is increased from 268 bytes to 4kb, just by one space and MS
Word's conversion of the file , which is still an rtf. Also file has now 2010

now do compare by file date: xxx.rtf is found to be newer on the left -> to be
copied to the right: OK
compare by content: file is in list: do nothing, together with all right side
only files. But size is different, date is different AND content is different,
as can be verified by using word or wordpad. Is this as expected?

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The program works in two steps: 1. Both sides are compared which gives a
results list with each row having a category. This can be seen in comparison
view. Each category now gets a sync-direction according to sync-configuration.
2. File is copied according to sync-config.

Compare by content does not consider dates or any other metadata, just file
content. Therefore it is categorized as "different". Please have a look at
sync-config. Sync direction for category "different" is probably set to "do
nothing" in your case.
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Ok, I found the problem:

mirroring sets the file unequal to copy left to right. But in my
understanding, mirroring would replace newer files on the right with the older
files from the left, so that is not what I want.

Aktualisieren (third option, 'copy left to right if left is more recent' has
the action on unequal files switched off by default.
So I can get what I want by using a user defined one. Very good, thanks for
pointing me in the right direction.

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Binary update isn't really a very common sync-scenario, but I think you're
right to expect "copy to right" instead of "do nothing" as action for category
"different". There is of course the risk that an older file will overwrite a
newer one, as date is not considered. But I guess a user is aware of this
behavior as he deliberately chose a binary comparison. I've just changed this
default setting for v3.8.