file verification after copying

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Does FFS doe a file verification after copying?

If I do a one way sync, I might simulate this by setting:

compare by date AND compare by content (or SHA1 or MD5 or ...).
For this compare, I would like to exclude all files that are only on the right
side or that are newer on the right side.
That would give after compare all files that have same date on both sides but
have different content (which should not happen after sync and resolving

If I use the current compare by content, I think I also get the files that are
newer on the right side (and where I would expect the content to be

According to the help file, I get:

left only
right only.

For a consistency check, different would alarm me nly in the case that the
file date is identical (error in copying?), otherwise I would expect them to
be different and would probably not go into details.


But I thin
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> Does FFS doe a file verification after copying?
Yes, although this feature is not really advertized: You'll need to open a
sync-config file (*.ffs_gui) with an editor and set XML node
"VerifyCopiedFiles" to true. This adds an unbuffered binary comparison after a
file is copied.
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wow, this is good. I think your program made my day.

I really tried nearly everything I found on sourceforge, and all others had
problems here or there. These only came up with 100GB or larger syncs.

So many thanks,

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using verify:

first doing a compare (date and size), then copy left to right:

I have the impression that ffs does not only verify the files that it copies
or replaces, rather, it also verifies the files that have been decided not to
necessary be copied? is that correct?

So in a way, it also tests the integrity of the data that is already present
and unchanged?

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> verify the files that it copies or replaces is that correct?
No, newly copied or replaced files are verified only.
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This is interesting.

The infobox gives messages like

copying file xxx
verifying file xxx

but sometimes it gives only messages

verifying file yyy
verifying file zzz
verifying file aaa

so I had the impression it verifies everything.

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GUI is refreshed every 100 ms only, so it may look as if it is skipping some
steps. To be sure you can also start a silent batch job and have a look at the
generated logfile. There you'll see infos "copying file" and "verifying" one
after the other.