Syncing between multiple computers

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I'm trying to understand if/whether FreeFileSync can handle (and/or how it should be set up) to bi-directionally sync a folder tree between a set of computers. So let's say I have 4 computers (and assume "Username" is a common AD username, so they all have access):


Some computers may be off at any given time. Should (and can) I set up all 12 possible pairwise syncs:

On Computer 1:
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer2\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer3\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer4\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync

On Computer 2:
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer1\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer3\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer4\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync

On Computer 3:
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer1\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer2\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer4\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync

On Computer 4:
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer1\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer2\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync
C:\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync <==> \\Computer3\C$\Users\Username\Documents\FilesToSync

Will this cause concurrency problems since a given pair may try to sync with each other at the same time? Or is there better/required/more way to establish these synchronization semantics?
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FFS locks directories during a sync so other FFS sessions can't use them at the same time
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FFS is not designed for this kind of tasks, use Syncthing or Resilio Sync to synchronize your computers. All you need is for the computers to be switched on and connected together for what you want to be done without intervention, on any number of computers and even across the internet. On the other hand, continue to use FFS for backups, these two approaches are definitely complementary and very useful.
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FFS would work fine for this
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Hi, did anyone get this to work?
When executing the sync, 2 computers are fine. On computer 3, I'm getting
"Cannot delete file:... symc.ffs_db"
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: Access is denied [DeleteFile].
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On another try, on computers 2 and 3, I'm getting:
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I have the same problem
Cannot delete file "E:\Inetpub\xxxx\sync.ffs_db".