inclusion exclusion conflict

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i'm having trouble with the below example. I'm trying to copy to date folders and the contents (but not the actual folder itself) of the 03-DOCUMENTATION folder

I have set exclusions for 01-CAMERA and 02-SOUND, easy, but if i set an exclusion for 03-DOCUMENTATION i then can't add it's contents for inclusion like i would with rsync

anyway around this?
Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 18.54.13.png
Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 18.54.13.png (548.27 KiB) Viewed 341 times
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Correct behavior. Files/folders must match any include filter and must not match any exclusion settings to be included. You will want to add another folder pair to the sync, syncing "03-DOCUMENTATION" to whatever the destination folder is
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See the "Example: Complex filter rules with exceptions" section of the FFS manual page on the Include/Exclude Filter.