Show destination in file list

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Posts: 5
Joined: 27 Jun 2016


Consider the following files and folders


Now I create "mirror" a profile with two folder pairs, and local filters:
source->dest\folder1, include *A.txt
source->dest\folder2, include *B.txt

When I hit "compare", I'm shown two entries in the sync list: fileA.txt and fileB.txt, both of which will be copied to the right. However, I have no way of seeing where they will be copied (or, I did not find it).
ffs_example.PNG (40.53 KiB) Viewed 516 times
With a single folder pair the problem is trivial, as the relative path on the two sides will always be equal. But where there are more than one folder pair, you don't know to which folder pair a given entry corresponds, and thus you don't know what the destination path will be.
I think it would be helpful to show also the "destination" for each entry in the list. A plus would be to somehow show which folder pair (and eventually local filters/sync rules) is generating a given entry in the sync list...