Error 58 (ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP) - [GetFileInformationByHandle]

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I am using a configuration with PC and WDmyCloud2Ex
and FFS10.8 for Windows10

If I want to compare a directory from PC with a directory from WDmyCloud2ex
I am getting this error-message:

Die Dateiattribute von "\\Wdmycloudex2\pc2013\pdfDruck" koennen nicht gelesen werden.
Fehlercode 58: Der angegebene Server kann den angeforderten Vorgang nicht ausfuehren. [GetFileInformationByHandle]

Cannot read file Attributes from WDmyCloud2ex
Error-Code 58: [GetFileInformationByHandle]

What I have to do to compare with FFS, maybe changing Attributes??
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Are you sure, you're not still using FFS 10.7?
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FFS 10.8
Build 15.01.2019 - Unicode x64
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Can you send me a Process Monitor trace, starting when you hit retry and until after the error message comes up?
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Hey Zenju

I hope this is the right file for Monitoring - Locfile.PML ??
But I don't know how to send it to you - 189MB??
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Just upload it somewhere and send the link. Or just compress it.
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I send it via

You should get an email-link from WeTransfer/dag01
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Thanks! Can you test with the following version and post the error message (if you get any):
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with FFS 10.9beta COMPARE works without any Problem,
but Mirror-Transfer from PC to WDmyCloudEx2 sends this message:

Die Dateiattribute von "\\Wdmycloudex2\pc2013\pdfDruck\442_WEA_Infoquellen_Ertrag_PN20190112a.ee41.ffs_tmp" koennen nicht gelesen werden.

Fehlercode 58: Der angegebene Server kann den angeforderten Vorgang nicht ausfuehren. [GetFileInformationByHandle]

Cannot read file-Attributes from WDmyCloudEx2...
Errorcode 58

This is send - I suppose - for every file!
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It seems the "GetFileInformationByHandle" function is generally not implemented (properly?) by the server. If there is not any newer firmware available for the device, this is worth a bug report on the "WDmyCloudEx2" support website.
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I talked with WD-Support.
A new Firmware was installed but with the same results/Errors.

WD has controlled the system-protocol - everything seems to be ok.
Maybe they will implement this problem in a Firmware-update,
but they say that this is no WD-Problem - so maybe…

You see another way for Clearing this Problem?
Only my configuration makes this Problem
or maybe other users have the same Problem with FFS and WD?

PS: Maybe you want to see the WD system-protocol (zip-File)?
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but they say that this is no WD-Problem dag01, 04 Feb 2019, 11:52
How did they come to this conclusion?
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The WD-answer/email is in German, but maybe you'll be able to translate it.

They say, it is no WD-Problem because after control oft my WD-protocol
they saw, that everythings on WDmyCloudEx2 is working as expected.

I also send the zip-file with the WD-protocol, maybe it´s interesting for You!?
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Unfortunately third-party software is not supported by WD.

Nevertheless, we have forwarded your feedback to the appropriate team. However, we can not guarantee that changes to the My Cloud firmware will be made to work with the FreeFile Sync software. WD level 1 support rep
GetFileInformationByHandle isn't exactly an exotic API, but a pretty basic building block for (efficient) file copying. I don't quite understand why they haven't implemented it (if that is what is causing the error).
Of course FFS could implement a (slow) workaround without "GetFileInformationByHandle", but it seems only WD has this problem and the API is needed in quite a number of places.
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I'd like to give this another shot. FFS might use an alternative API as a fallback to handle cases like the server not supporting a specific command. I suspect the server only has issues when GetFileInformationByHandle is called on a folder, so let's see if the following version works:
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Hey Zenju

thanks for supporting with the new FFS-Version.
but ist the same effect. Comparing is ok, but copy to WDmyCloudEx2 receives ErrorCode58

Fehlercode 58: Der angegebene Server kann den angeforderten Vorgang nicht ausführen. [GetFileInformationByHandle]
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Maybe there's something wrong with the beta, it shouldn't be possible for you to get a "GetFileInformationByHandle", error because I'm not using it during comparison. I've restructured a few things, please test with the following beta version instead:
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Hey Zenju

it's also the same effect with Beta 05.03.2019
Comparing without any Problem, but copying to WD receives the ErorCode58
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Can you post the full error message? As always I'm interested in the little details.
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Comparing without any Problem, but copying to WD receives the ErorCode58 dag01, 05 Mar 2019, 19:16
So that's an improvement, as comparison was not possible before! And I haven't checked on the sync part yet.
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Seems, we've been there before: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6016&p=20255#p19806
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This new version should fix the sync part as well:

The "price" for this workaround is that move detection may be (partially) not working, in which case FFS falls back to copy + delete.
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This new Version also with the same results (just like in V 04.03.2019 !!)
o comparison ok
o copying/Writing to WD receives ErrorCode58

Cannot read file attributes of "\\Wdmycloudex2\pc2013\pdfDruck\400_VDE_5-Fakten_Voltimum_20190122a.3e48.ffs_tmp".

Error Code 58: Der angegebene Server kann den angeforderten Vorgang nicht ausführen. [GetFileInformationByHandle]
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Alright, the following version will definitively give a different error message (or maybe even work, who knows):
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PS: in case it "works" it would be interesting to know if new folder creation on the network share also works.
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it also creates subfolders and copies files into the new created subfolder!!


PS: The Version is FFS 10.10 Build 05.03.2019 [Beta]
Maybe in future it would be better to add an index (like "_a" or "_b") because now there are several versions of 05.03.2019!
Last installed version is from "FreeFileSync_10.10_[Beta]_Windows_Setup(11).exe"
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Awesome! I still consider not supporting GetFileInformationByHandle a major bug on WD's side, but at least it's not FFS's problem anymore.
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Installed v10.10 beta
Accessed WD NAS drive successfully.
COMPARE ran successfully.
New file created on target WD NAS drive successfully.
10.10 fix looks good.
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Hate to bring this up but I'm having nearly the same issue, but on a RAM disk. I've been following this thread for a week or so and the 10.10 beta posted March 6th hasn't helped. E:\Firestorm\FSCache is mapped to my RAM disk. This is what I'm getting:

Cannot read file attributes of "E:\Firestorm\FSCache".

Error Code 144: The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. [GetVolumeInformation]

I also get a similar message when pointing it directly to the RAM disk, Q:\.

Cannot read file attributes of "Q:\".

Error Code 87: The parameter is incorrect. [GetVolumePathName]

OS: Win 10 Pro 10.0.17134
Processor: i7-2600K
RAM: 32 GB

I tried to post screenshots of the error dialog but was chastised and accused of being a spammer lol.