A Few Batch GUI "Rapid Read" Issues

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But [isn't there always a "but"?!?]

Here are a few things I've stumbled over, when checking the Batch Popup, the next morning after a scheduled run:

1. There is no Date displayed -- ANYWHERE -- not on the "Progress" pane, nor the "Log" pane. I know this may sound ridiculous, but it's happened that a day or two has passed, and more than one of these popups were lingering on my Desktop -- which one is which?!? Sure, I could open the log files, and compare -- but who wants to go to that much trouble ;)
2. On the Progress pane, the "Time elapsed", when it's less than an hour, is displayed like this: "01:23". Is that "1 minute 23 seconds"? or "1 hour 23 minutes"? I know...sounds trivial...and what the heck...shouldn't I know by now?!? But this is about Rapid Read. I look at a lot of different [similar] things, and I don't want to have to pause and think. If it was just displayed as 00:01:23, then BAM -- Instant Clarity!
3. In the LOG [both in the file, and on the GUI echo], the end time of the Comparison is logged, but not the beginning. It would be nice not to have to do the math in order to determine how long it took to complete the Comparison. Plus, it would be nice to have the redundant information this would provide [i.e. Method 1: (Time elapsed - Time Stamp of Last Action - Comparison End Time) -- Method 2: (Comparison End Time - Comparison Start Time) ] BOOM, a way to check to see if things appear to be functioning properly.
4. How about, also, in the log, a Batch Start Time, and a Batch End Time. Such information is invaluable when the need to troubleshoot arises. Also, what if the last Synchronization takes more than 1 second? There's no information about how long that last Synchronization took, so there's really no reliable way to do the math in those cases, because the Batch Start Time is also missing. That's two informational holes. And I've actually encountered a case when it would've been nice to have this information. The SMB share on my NAS mysteriously changed to Read Only [has happened several times], and I wanted to know the exact time the FreeFileSync Batch started, and not rely on when it "should have started" [i.e. the Scheduled Task time]. I needed this time information [and to feel confident in it] so I could use it to implicate events in the Remote Backup System logs [By The Way, my NAS is a network connected Orange Pi with a SATA attached 3T Harddrive (not an SSD, sadly...maybe someday!)].
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> There is no Date displayed -- ANYWHERE
> Batch Start Time, and a Batch End Time
There is already the sync start date in the log file header, so I've added the start time there as well. And for consistency the same info (start date and time) has been added to the title bar of the progress panel that is shown during sync.

> 00:01:23, then BAM -- Instant Clarity!
Sounds good. I've changed this only for the final "total time", but not for the elapsed time while the sync is running where you can see the seconds counting up.

> end time of the Comparison is logged, but not the beginning
The time of the beginning is now in the header/title, but the comparison duration might be relevant to know in cases where it takes unreasonably long. I've added this info to the log:
[18:26:49] Info: Comparison finished: 30.914 items | Time elapsed: 00:01:13

Here's the new FFS beta with the above changes if you want to make a few tests:
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Cool! I tried the Beta, and nice improvements. Thank you.
One more thing came to mind. How about a link to the actual log file -- and, perhaps on a click event, run the default app for '.txt' extension, and load the associated log file into it -- or, at least, print the path to the associated log file -- like, as a document title ["Distillation of log file at: <logfile path> for date: <logfile date>"]
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Well, in GUI mode you have the log file links next to their corresponding sync config in the panel on the left, and for batch mode, I'm not sure why you'd ever need this (since there's already the nicer results dialog).
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The "Comparison finished" line is a great addition to an already amazing product; I use it to extract a monthly summary recap of backups from the Logs dir. But that line only appears in ffs_batch logs, not in ffs_gui logs, so I get no "items found" for any GUI jobs. Is that by design? If so, why are batch and GUI logs different?
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The "Comparison finished" line is a great addition to an already amazing product; I use it to extract a monthly summary recap of backups from the Logs dir. But that line only appears in ffs_batch logs, not in ffs_gui logs, so I get no "items found" for any GUI jobs. gunterotto, 15 May 2020, 21:03
Fixed: viewtopic.php?t=9022#p32955