Donation Edition 12.0 does not install on Linux Mint

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I recently donated and got a link to download the Donation_Edition 12.0. After downloading, the system gave an error and it did not install. I later tried installing using the Terminal instead, but I also got errors and it did not install. (btw: I'm new to Linux)
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Tried it, but it did not work. I get an error message: "the package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check permissions of the file"
Posts: 309
Joined: 7 Jan 2018


In Linux (all of them, not just Mint), permissions on a file are organized into three groups: user, group-owner, and other. Each permission set contains flags: Read, Write, eXecute. You should confirm that the rwx flags are set correctly.
ls -al
Where -l means that ls should make a long listing, and that will show us the mode, or permissions, of the file. They should resemble:
$ ls -al
-rw-------  1 bgstack15 bgstack15   26686 Jan 21 22:07  .viminfo
-rwxrwx----   1   bgstack15 bgstack15   5861852 Jan 31 15:03
I took liberties with the filename and size because I don't actually have that file. The important part is the "rwx" parts. Notice how my example file ".viminfo" has only "rw-" for the user section of the mode. The group-owner permission section is "---" or none, and the same for other.
So the eXecute flag needs to be set for your user on the .run file, so that you can execute the file. If you do not see a "x" on the fourth character of that mode string (the first character is a dash - for regular files and a "d" for directories), then you can run this:
chmod u+x
And then you can run the .run file by name, and including a path to it, which is probably just current directory which is a period.
After you perform any of these steps and you still run into problems, please copy-paste your [sanitized] output here.
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I still get the error. This is what I get with the ls -al command:

myname:~/Downloads$ ls -al
total 30100
drwxr-xr-x 2 sangarlinux sangarlinux 4096 Jan 23 15:03 .
drwxr-x--- 22 sangarlinux sangarlinux 4096 Jan 23 14:31 ..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 sangarlinux sangarlinux 30810580 Jan 21 14:58 'FreeFileSync_12.0_[Donation_Edition]'
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Ah, the file is still inside the zip file. If you do not have a graphical archive manager (program to open zip files, among other things), you can use unzip or p7zip.
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
7za x FreeFileSync_12.0_[Donation_Edition]
I believe inside that, is the .run file to chmod u+rwX and then ./FreeFileSync_12.0_[Donation_Edition]
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Joined: 21 Jan 2023


Thanks for your help. I was about to try what you recommended, but decided to download the app again. This time it installed perfectly. There must have been an error with the original download.
Posts: 309
Joined: 7 Jan 2018


Ah yes, that happens too. I spent an hour troubleshooting an app build and deployment (firefox) only to eventually figure out my big zip download was incomplete, so some of the files were "empty" incorrectly. Glad you got it working!