Handling Apple libraries and running multiple FFS processes

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We would like to know if there are any caveats or special techniques needed when copying/updating iTunes, iMovie or iPhotos Libraries on an SMB file share (they were FFS’d from an APFS disk with Update)? If we wanted to update one library to another, should this work if we run Update -> ? Is there any problem when copying a movie file protected with DRM?

I have a user who wants to be able to fire off multiple copy processes one after another, but not all at once. For example, setup a source/destination, fire this process off to do update or whatever, and while it’s running, setup a second process with source/destination, fire that off and repeat that for many instances (like dozens). We don’t want to run multiple copies of FFS, which would result in a plethora of windows on the screen. If we use the + sign at the left of the source to create multiple source/destinations, it appears to let us run them only all at once.

It is not possible due to the volume of folders and the data and the amount of file structures not replicated in the destination and the source to set up destination folders ahead of time, as would be needed if using the + button in the list of processes.
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Should work fine, report back if it doesn't
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I don't follow. Are you saying that while FFS is running, I can add more tasks to it? Because that's what I'm asking it to do, but it seems that once a task starts, it is limited to just that one task until it's done.
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They may want to get familiar with command line usage. If they don't want multiple windows open, it's the only way