Several instances - wrong last backup dates

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When I have several instanzes running, which is great, I have always wrong last backup dates in the listing. Only the instanze that ends last defines the dates. It would be great if the date would be stored in the fss_gui file to have to date correct per backup and per instance.
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This has been discussed here before...
I see this as potentially viable, but I do see a problem. If you restore or transfer this configuration to another device, FFS will report a list-sync date that wouldn't be correct since it hasn't even been run on that device yet. Or, environments with many computers using the same configuration file will all report the same last-sync status, even if that computer hasn't run the sync yet.
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I don't see the problem there. It is important that the sync was done and not by which device!
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And that is the real issue! You don't see a problem, but others might
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Same for you, you either donˋt see the problem others have or don't want to understand it. Documenting a wrong protocol date is a problem. I don't for sure see a problem with correcting this.
If you just post to be this destructive I'm out here, this is not the way I want to discuss or communicate.
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That's a known issue: viewtopic.php?t=9481
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Thanks for confirming it.
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Same for you, you either donˋt see the problem others have or don't want to understand it. Documenting a wrong protocol date is a problem. I don't for sure see a problem with correcting this.
If you just post to be this destructive I'm out here, this is not the way I want to discuss or communicate. Matis, 02 Jun 2024, 03:33
Sorry, I must not have been clear! I completely understand the issue you brought up and how your proposed solution would fix it. My rebuttal wasn't maliciously intended, just playing Devil's Advocate. Bug fixing is like whack-a-mole, as in, implementing your proposed solution would fix your situation, but would create a bug for me. What is the most fair way to handle it? Who gets the short end of the stick?