Filter format

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Posts: 3
Joined: 25 Jun 2009


Dumb question :-)

In your Configure Filer section, what is the format I should use to include
all files EXCEPT Picasa.ini *.tmp or similar. I have tried lots of different
options, but with little success.

In an other FileSync program I previously used the above was accomplished by
using the string

*.* -*.ini -*.tmp

In that case file names were separated by a space (although your ";"
or New_Line is fine).
Posts: 3
Joined: 25 Jun 2009


That string should read ...

*.* -Picasa.ini -*.tmp
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>what is the format
The important is to enter everything relative to the base synchronization
directories: E.g. if "Picasa.ini" is located in a subdir called
"Sub", then you'd enter "Sub\Picasa.ini. If you want to exclude
"Picasa.ini" from all directories, enter "*\Picasa.ini".
So your overall filtering probably would look like this:

include: *
exclude: *\Picasa.ini; *.tmp

PS: Be carful with "*.*": directories ususally don't include dots,
so setting this as include will exclude most directores, probably not what you