Mirroring doesn't update file info

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When I do a mirroring into a onedrive folder I'm getting some strange results.

1. File is always reported as modified
2. File in onedrive has a created date stamped to today (I'm using mirror shouldn't create date match original date ?)

original file

File in onedrive folder
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1. What is it reporting as modified? Size or timestamp?
2. That is correct, as the file was created during sync. Modified time will match source
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Size I guess is the reason for it to be changed.
But nothing is changed only mirrored using freefilesync.

And about the create date I think that if I mirror two folders create date should be kept the same.
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Possibly this? viewtopic.php?t=9562
Windows native behavior and the Windows API that FFS uses does not maintain creation timestamps to stay congruent with Windows' behavior.
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ok, good explaination why it works as it works.

Any plans make the great functionallity for file compare with more flexibility so we can use only path+ filename + modified time as compare option?