Local google drive backup?

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I am looking for a solution to back up my google drive to an external ssd, including goggle "office" "files" converted to ms-format (ie .gdoc as .docx etc). Now I'm trying to figure out if this can be done in FFS before looking at more complicated alternatives.

Having gone through the documentation and forums, AFAICS there is no way of:

- Converting google doc/sheet/slide "files" to MS-formats on download from gdrive, or

- Excluding them from the download?

Is this correct, or am I missing something?

How about skipping the "google files" when backing up a local google drive folder mirrored with cloud, is this possible?

The first alternative would definitely be best, but one of the others could be part of a solution.

I'm thinking along the lines of using FFS to back up the local (mirrored) gdrive folder to external SSD.
This would cover everything except goggle "files" and result in less traffic to/from googles cloud than DL'ing everything from there.

It looks like a google apps script could be made that would download these exclusively, converting to ms-format in the process, hopefully preserving folder structure.

To restore backup one could then:

- Find and delete all .gdocs, .gsheets etc in the general backup.
- Paste the google "file" backup onto the general backup directory.
- Upload to gdrive, ending up with ms-files that one could save as .gdoc etc. when editing.

So, what, if any, of this is possible in FFS, and how?


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FFS is a syncing program, so there's no way to perform file conversions via FFS. You should have no problem simply mirroring the local GDrive folder to an external drive though. FFS provides filters to include/exclude whatever you want