Can be used to express the path that possible changes? For example, version number

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My left side is due to the software upgrade. After a period of time, the path will change.
If you can use regular expressions to indicate possible changes,
it will definitely save a lot of operations
like this:
C:\Users\dub\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 18.0-J\zh_CN\Caches
C:\Users\dub\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 19.0-J\zh_CN\Caches
C:\Users\dub\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 20.0-J\zh_CN\Caches
Can it use the regular below to express it?
C: \ Users \ Dub ​​\ AppData \ Local \ Adobe \ Indesign \ Version *-J \ ZH_CN \ Caches
Hope to increase this feature in the future.
Thank you~
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You can use the FFS Filter rules to In- or Exclude files and/or folders in your sync.

The FFS Filter rules do not support Regular Expressions, but do support two basic wildcards, that may be sufficient to cover your example above. FFS filter rule entries are relative to your left and right base location.

Note that an entry like [PathToVersionXXX]\Version *-J\ would not just match any version number, but also any subdirectory name ending in -J (because the * wildcard is "eager".
You can probably better use an entry like [PathToVersionXXX]\Version ??.?-J\, which will only match your two digit/character version number, followed by a dot and a single sub-version digit/character.
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I didn't understand it.
The following representation seems to be incorrect, FFS cannot recognize this path
C:\Users\dub\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version ??.?-J\zh_CN\Caches
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Ah, you mean in specifying your left-right base location?
In that case you can simply specify C:\Users\dub\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\ and its counterpart as your left, respectively right base location, and use an Include Filter entry of
\Version ??.?-J\
\Version ??.?-J\zh_CN\Caches