How to find differences between two folders?

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Dear friends of FreeFileSync,

in a German Windows forum I was advised, that FreeFileSync may help.
But after installing FreeFileSync and opening the GUI I don't know how to proceed.

Following two issues:
(1) I copied a folder consisting of multiple sub- and subsubfolders in 4 tranches from one hard disk to another. After every copy process I verified the properties of the folders I copied using properties function (total of files and folders and size in bytes). 100 % right.
After dragging all folders from the temporary folders created for each tranche into the destination folder and verifying the total of files and folders and size over the complete source and destination folders (about 940 GB) the properties reported a difference of about a handfull folder and 8 files more (!) in the destination folder.
Issue: How to find out these files and folders?

(2) While copying the remaining folders (and about 20 single files) - again in 3 tranches - I received reound about 20-25 error messages: Cannot copy the file, the file name in destination folder is too long. These files I skipped individually.
Issue: How to find out these files missing in the destination folder?

Update: Isn't the question is in both cases: Please show me the files that are not duplicates. (??)

Is FreeFileSync suitable for this purpose?
If yes - please - I'd be very happy and grateful for a step-by-step-instruction for both issues.

Thank you and best regards
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Running just a comparison between two locations in FFS will show you the differences between the two
Posts: 2
Joined: 23 Apr 2024


Hi @xCSxXenon
thanks. You're right.
Was not as comfortable as expected, but after several runs over single folder and folder groups I found the differences and could copy thePost m manually from source to destination folder.
Post can be marked as resolved.