Confirmation of one drive to multiple drives

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I'm getting a new computer/hard drive and I have one rather large drive (20tb) on the new one to replace three smaller drives from the old computer (2 2tb and 1 8tb)

The plan is to have folders on the 20tb drive backed up on the three drives.

Let's say I have a folder with lots of videos and pictures called "Photos"

How would I set up that the 8tb checks for new files/folders? What I plan on doing is copying all the information from the old to the new one but then having the "old" 8tb backup all new files/folders from the new 20tb drive

What I would have liked to have done is have the folder from the new computer been "mirrored" to all three old drives, as the old drives all have files/folders on the new drive and I would like FFS to check if any of the files/folders changed across these three drives and add any new files/folders to the 8tb..but from the forums/posts I've read in the past couple of hours, I don't think that's possible?

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Very complicated explanation. I would first simplify what you are trying to accomplish
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It sounds like that, after an initial transfer of your data to your new disk, you want to backup part of the data on your new disk to a first 1st disk, another part of the data on your new disk to a 2nd old disk, and yet another part of the data on your new disk to a 3rd old disk.
Although it is possible to do your initial transfer of data using FFS, it is probably simpler and faster to do that using a plain file manager, like (on Windows) File Explorer.
But, in light of the later backups to your old drives, you need to give good thought to how you organize files and folders on your new drive.

By far the simplest for setting up your later backups, is to create a folder structure on your new disk such there is no overlap between data destined for backup to (old) disk 1, disk 2, respectively disk 3.
So, e.g. to have a folder "BackupToDisk1", "BackupToDisk2" and "BackupToDisk3" on your new disk, each comprising only data (in arbitrary subfolder structure) destined for disk1, 2, respectively 3.

You can then later simply define a separate syncs for the backup to each of your old disks, something like
[NewDisk]\[PathToBackupToDisk1Folder]\BackupToDisk1 => [Disk1] ,
[NewDisk]\[PathToBackupToDisk2Folder]\BackupToDisk2 => [Disk2] and
[NewDisk]\[PathToBackupToDisk3Folder]\BackupToDisk3 => [Disk3] .
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It sounds like that, after an initial transfer of your data to your new disk, you want to backup part of the data on your new disk to a first 1st disk, another part of the data on your new disk to a 2nd old disk, and yet another part of the data on your new disk to a 3rd old disk.
Although it is possible to do your initial transfer of data using FFS, it is probably simpler and faster to do that using a plain file manager, like (on Windows) File Explorer.
But, in light of the later backups to your old drives, you need to give good thought to how you organize files and folders on your new drive.

By far the simplest for setting up your later backups, is to create a folder structure on your new disk such there is no overlap between data destined for backup to (old) disk 1, disk 2, respectively disk 3.
So, e.g. to have a folder "BackupToDisk1", "BackupToDisk2" and "BackupToDisk3" on your new disk, each comprising only data (in arbitrary subfolder structure) destined for disk1, 2, respectively 3.

You can then later simply define a separate syncs for the backup to each of your old disks, something like
[NewDisk]\[PathToBackupToDisk1Folder]\BackupToDisk1 => [Disk1] ,
[NewDisk]\[PathToBackupToDisk2Folder]\BackupToDisk2 => [Disk2] and
[NewDisk]\[PathToBackupToDisk3Folder]\BackupToDisk3 => [Disk3] . Plerry, 28 Apr 2024, 08:11
I wanted to avoid that, but you're right, that's probably the best way to do it. Keep everything for each drive in separate folders on the new drive and have them work as three scenarios. Thanks!
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The only other option is to backup certain file types to disk 1, other certain file types to disk 2 and all remaining file types to disk 3.
As an example: All Word, Excel and PDF files to disk 1, all pictures and movies to disk 2, and all other file types to disk 3.
In line with the example, you can do so by
for the sync to disk 1: Change the Include Filter into *.docx | *.xlsx | *.pdf
for the sync to disk 2: Change the Include Filter into *.jpg | *.mov | *.mp4
for the sync to disk 3: Add *.docx | *.xlsx | *.pdf | *.jpg | *.mov | *.mp4 to the Exclude Filter