Unexpected issues with sync.ffs_db files

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A friend and I have set up a shared project that we sync through gdrive. Since gdrive only allows shared folders as shortcuts and those don't work with the programs we use, we just moved to FFS and things are working great.

We both have set up a two way sync from the shared gdrive folder to a folder on our pc and syncing all the files within them works as expected. However something strange seems to happen with the sync.ffs_db files.

In gdrive in the shared folder, one of those sync db files appears as expected. However another sync db file gets pushed into the other persons gdrive root (so not the shared folder) whenever one of us syncs.
I assume this is because FFS is trying to sync the local db file, recognizes that the cloud db file is a different file with the same name and in order to still upload the local file without replacing the cloud one, it uploads it to the gdrive root rather than the synced folder(?). Or maybe not.
We tried using a filter to prevent uploading the db files but it does not seem to work.

Is there anything we can do about this so FFS doesn't create these excess db files? It's only a minor annoyance but I would still prefer to sort this out or at least understand what's happening.
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FFS only creates a single *.ffs_db file in (each of your) left and right base location(s).
Because the *.ffs_db files are unique per base location, FFS does not sync its *.ffs_db files.
To the extent that *ffs_db files do get synced, it must be due to Gdrive, not FFS.

It seems Gdrive used to have the capability to exclude certain file-types from its syncing, but apparently that option is no longer there.
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I guess this is just going to be a quirk of gdrive we need to live with then?
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I don't know Gdrive in detail, but several cloud storage services retain previous versions of any files that get updated. And obviously, FFS updates the Gdrive-side *.ffs_db file ate the end of each sync.