Discrepancy Manual page vs. actual software

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Already for quite some FFS release versions, there is a discrepancy between the Manual page on Synchronization Settings and what is showing on my screen:
SyncSettings.png (52.96 KiB) Viewed 1224 times
Apart for the essentially irrelevant difference in appearance in the options in the Delete and Overwrite section, I have the option to "Run a command" On completion, On errors or On success.
The screen shown on manual page is not showing this Run a Command option, but possibly the three icons in between the Send Email Notification and Change Log folder serve that purpose.
The manual page also does not say anything about those icons (or the Run a Command option),

The difference in screen appearance does not seem to be a feature of the donations edition, because it is not listed as such, and the manual page shows an active Send Email Notification, unavailable in the standard edition.

Any clues on what is going on here?
Does the manual page need an update?
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The layout differences are intentional to save screen space for the manual. The missing description for "run a command" is mostly due to feeling that this is a half-baked feature that probably will change in the future.