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I am trying to sync (mirror) 11000 files. 1700 of them have the same date but not the same size, that is normal. I want to copy them, but the files are shown as "conflict". Is there a way to turn all the "conflicts" to "copy to the right side". I found the solution to do it one by one but not all of them in a few clicks.
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Hi Jean-Pierre,

it's possible to drag-select multiple rows and assign a sync-direction. But even this might be difficult for 1700 files. I'll add an option to the context-menu to do that, similarly to the right-click filtering options.

Regards, Zenju
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I have the same problem. I add captions to photos and I want to keep the dates. The solution you propose is good, but it would it be better if we could select 'force' to the update synchronization option, that is, if different in any way, copy it.
Thanks otherwise for the good work.
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> I add captions to photos and I want to keep the dates.
Arent't dates usually saved in the image file's metadata? (EXIF)

> would it be better if we could select 'force'
In earlier versions "same date, different size" was a distinct category for which a direction could be assigned. But for "normal" usecases it should be a rather exceptional case. This is the reason why it's simply handled as a conflict now.

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I am trying to sync (mirror) 11000 files. 1700 of them have the same date but not the same size, that is normal. I want to copy them, but the files are shown as "conflict". Is there a way to turn all the "conflicts" to "copy to the right side". I found the solution to do it one by one but not all of them in a few clicks.jp52
>I'll add an option to the context-menu to do that, similarly to the right-click filtering options.
Hi Zenju,
Any chance to have it soon?
Regards, JP
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Context menu entries for adapting direction are already included in the current version v2.2. Additionally in the next version there will be an option to select a default direction for conflicts automatically, see: viewtopic.php?t=2024
