Copy files but not folders

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Joined: 25 Dec 2017

David Morrow

I have a security camera system that creates a huge number of folders. In the simplest terms, it creates new folders for every day and every hour that a recording occurs. Every day more and more folders are created. I would like to be able to consolidate all of the files in a single folder. For example :

sub-folder20171215/ abc.jpg def.jpg ghi.jpg
sub-folder20171216/ jkl.jpg mno.jpg

Is it possible to use FFS in a way that it copies all of the files from the Main folder plus all sub-folders to a new location but without bringing along the sub-folders ? It would end up looking something like :


I hope my example makes sense.
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Yes, with CTRL + T
Posts: 21
Joined: 25 Dec 2017

David Morrow

I should elaborate a bit. Because movement in view of the camera can be quite random, new folders can be created and files written to them at almost any time. So there is no way of knowing when files or folders will be created and what there names will be. Well, the names are somewhat predictable only in that their names are along the lines of 20180103 and 06.