One destination for more sources, or variable in destination path

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Dear Developers!

Env: Windows 7.

I tried to replace one of my Cobian backups.
Then I very surprised on FFS logic.
Cobian can use more sources and more destinations.
But they are not pairs.

For example:
I have 10 different folders to backup (c:\dev, c:\msdb, c:\docs, c:\....\server.ini). And I have three destinations.
One: my local drive. Two: an external hdd mounted at home. Three: an external hdd mounted at working place.
The Cobian is intelligent, and if any of the destination folders is missing, it will ignore.

I tried to implement a similar backup job[s] into FFS.
The first problem that I need to define every subfolders (10) in destination side too.
Cobian can do it automatically (it is enough to define one destination folder, the base).

Next I need to clone this job twice, and I need to substitute the destination paths (correct the root in every folder).

It is not too simple. It would be better...
a.) Variables:
We can define variables for jobs.
For example %destroot%=s:\Backup\Data
And we can use this in path.

b.) Simple definition with a checkbox. Then only one destination can be defined, and the program uses the source subfolder names as destination subfolders.
c:\Docs d:\Backup\Docs
c:\Docs2 d:\Backup\Docs2
c:\Dev d:\Backup\Dev

What is your opinion about it?


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Apparently FFS is different in its use-concept than Cobian.
Looking at your description, it seems in FFS you only need to use three folder pairs, possibly in three different syncs. One of these would be:
C:\ to D:\Backups
In the Include Filter of the sync you can replace the * by the 10 folders to be included in the sync
(relative to the root of the left and right sync location).

If FFS can deal with destinations not on-line (?), you can can use three pairs, e.g.
pair 1: C:\ to C:\BackupsOnC
pair 2: C:\ to D:\Backups
pair 3: C:\ to \\[NetworkURLorIP]\BackupsRemote
and use a global include filter listing the 10 folders for these three pairs.

If FFS can not deal with destinations not on-line, you can use three separate GUI or batch files.
E.g. first make your a file using the pair:
C:\ to D:\Backups and put the 10 folders in the include filter and save under name A.
change D:\Backups in C:\BackupsOnC and save under the name B etc.
You can then manually start the respective sync files if the resource is on-line,
or you might write your own batch program that checks the on-line status of the resource
and only launch the syncs for which the resource is on-line.

On the Variable part:
FFS can handle (some) variables. See the Help-file.
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(Custom) macros may be used in any place where you input a folder path. See help file chapter "Macros" for details and examples.