File timestampt drift does not get ignored

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I have files that are approx 10 seconds different, and when I set the configuration to ignore time skew of 1 hours the files still show as different and need to be sync'd. I can set the configuration to 23 hours and it still makes no difference. Is this a bug? Is there something different I can do?
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Does anyone have any sugestions?
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This option only ignores time *shifts* not time *intervals*
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What does that mean? It only works on whole hours? If one file says 6:42:10pm and another file says 6:42:11pm, it will always sync? But 6:42 vs 7:42 won't?
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Ignoring a +-1h time shift means that file modification times that are off by exactly one hour are treated the same, and only those. The primary use of this option is to handle daylight saving time issues.