Real Time works randomly

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I recently I updated my FreeFileSync software to the 10.5 version, and my Real Time variant is not working... or it is, but with weird results. Let's say I set my Batch file to run every 10 seconds, well the RT will run every 30 to 20 seconds, I changed it and start it again with 15 seconds, then it will synchronize every 1 minute. I am not sure if I am missing something here, since the last version I installed (10.4) didn't have this problem, if I decided to shorten the time, it was immediate and it worked, now it doesn't work at all or works randomly.

Is there any known issue?

Thanks a lot!

PS: I am running Windows 10 up to date if this helps.
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Your notion of how RealTimeSync works seems flawed.
RTS does e.g. not "run every 30 to 20 seconds".
The Manual page explains how RTS works and what it does. Particularly the last paragraph explains the meaning of the Idle-time.

A Windows update might impact what is written where and how often.
If such "where" is in one of the RTS monitored folders, RTS might seem
to behave differently, even if RTS has not changed.