Hi EigenFunctions,
I was looking for a solution to a similar problem and found your request which had no solving answers yet, so I had to find it myself.
When I run it from a command line, I get the following error messages.
This is usual. You will get it on a bunch of progs which you start from command line. Just ignore it.
However, all of the sudden the icons got so big, only one fits on the screen. It makes the program useless.
This also happened to me since 10.7. But icons were not that big, in cause of a bigger resolution of my screen. So I could still work with FreeFileSync.
I fixed this problem by renaming \home\$user\.config\FreeFileSync\GlobalSettings.xml to GlobalSettings.xml.old.
However, this whole folder only exists at one device where I'm using FreeFileSync, not at the others.
Btw: I'm using Debian Stretch not Ubuntu. But Ubuntu is based on Debian. You might find the folder in the same place.