FFS changes file timestamp (modified date-time) when synchronizing

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1) FFS changes file timestamp (modified date-time) when synchronizing.
2) Two way synchronizing algorithm isn't correct: trying to overwrite newer file.
On the following picture - default FFS settings. The same file. After synchronizing, file has new timestamp.
ffs_trouble_1.png (62.02 KiB) Viewed 1758 times
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This is probably explained by some process changing the file on the network share after sync:
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I have SMB share under *nix OS on FAT32 flash.
When I copy file from Windows to SMB, modified date changes everytime to current.
It's normal, because SMB OS file system decides which date to set.
When I copy file from SMB to Windows, it's Windows OS decides which date to set.
When I copy with Win Explorer, modified date changes to current system time.
When I copy with Robocopy from CMD, modified date stays the same as on SMB file.
So FFS works as Win Explorer and changes modified date to current system.
You should correct FFS code to work as Robocopy works, when copy from SMB shares.
This is FFS problem and not OS.
ssf_issue_2.png (222.24 KiB) Viewed 1719 times
ssf_issue_1.png (70.87 KiB) Viewed 1719 times
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Windows Explorer also transfers the modification time, just like RoboCopy. So I suspect that there is some other process changing the file time directly after copy. This can be checked using Process Monitor as explained in the link above.
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You are wrong. I showed you the real situation on screens.
Why You deny the obvious?
Win Explorer and Robocopy work differently with the file date when copy from SMB share.
Moreover, Sysinternal Process Explorer clearly shows:
That only 1 process holds the file: either Win Explorer or Robokopi.
No any mystical processes that changes file after copy from SMB!
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You have to read more carefully. I didn't write that Windows Explorer was actually successful in copying the modification times. It obviously failed, this already proofs that it's an issue unrelated to FreeFileSync. But anyway you can still use Process Monitor to find out what's going wrong on your system.
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You write some kind of nonsense
At first you claim that win explorer work, as well as robocopy.
Then say no.
I specifically showed you that robocopy does NOT change the modification date.
In my system - everything is OK.
The problem is in code of FFS.
I have already written a power shell script that makes synchronization through robocopy and do it without the FFS.
I hope You will explore and correct troubleshooting, that I have given to you, having spent my time and money.
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Good luck finding a solution to your problem somewhere else. With your kind of social skills you'll need it.