I discovered FreeFileSync for the use case of uploading files to an FTP server quickly and easily. It does better than domain-specific (FileZilla) or commercial products (PhpStorm). Kudos!
What prevents me from using it in practice is that it stores my sensitive password unencrypted in the ffs_sync config file (and, less importantly, displays it in base64 encoding on the UI). For instance, suppose my password is "sdf", then the UI will display the path as
The other above-mentioned applications provide a feature where you don't provide the password (but still indicate that one is required, i.e. sth like "pass64=<ASK>" or just "pass64" without the "="). Upon first usage (per server+username) the application will ask for the password and, if the connection was successful, will store it in (encrypted?) memory until the application is closed. Would it be possible to add a feature like this to FreeFileSync too?