Slow Transfer Speed

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I am on a local 1GB network and FFS seems to be limiting my transfer speeds to about 27.0 MB/sec, I would expect on a 1GB network to get in the 100-120 MB/sec speed range. Speed used to be much faster several versions ago, maybe FFS 8 or 9).

What can I do to realize my full network speed for transfers using FFS?

I'm using FFS 10.17 Donation Version on Windows 10.
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FFS utilizes full transfer speeds. With the extremely limited information in your post, I would attribute the "slow" speeds to another factor eg. hard drive speed, file type/sizes, external factors
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Typical large files (3GB .SQL file, 1GB Outlook DB file, etc). Wired 1GB LAN, both machines running updated Windows 10. The Laptop has a SATA SSD drive the desktop has a SATA 7200 Western Digital drive. Exact same hardware used previously when transfer speeds were faster (seemed like in older versions of FFS).
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Try an older version of FFS, maybe there is a problem. I would bet the mechanical hard drive is getting pinged by other tasks though, but just a guess.
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The speed is always the same, roughly 27.5 MB/sec and it is the same hardware I had when it was running faster.

Where can I get an older version of FFS? Say 9 or so?
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Looks like it was the IPV6 on my laptops USB wired networking adapter, I disabled IPV6 on there and the transfer speed is now about 80-90 MB/sec
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I've had problems occasionally with the time it takes to copy a weekly backup file of around 50GB. By simply rebooting my Windows 10 machine, the transfer speed has increased from under 5 MB/sec to over 55 MB/sec. Time taken reduced from 2.5 hours to 14 minutes. No idea why, but a reboot has worked every time I've tried it.
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Nice that you got it fixed. I'll file that answer away in the brain.
Mechanical HDD? Maybe the file is being used when you are backing up and restarting gives FFS higher priority