Synchronization of 1 file. Performance.

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Joined: 21 Nov 2019


Good evening. I am using FFS and RTS to synchronize a folder containing 1 text file, this text file grows over time. My question is, with each sync, RTS syncs the entire file, or it syncs only the different between the two files. I say this because this file can reach 20gb, and since my sync is done every 1 minute, is there any chance of crashing my computer? Sorry for my bad english. Thank you.
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As the name states, FreeFileSync (FFS) is a file-syncing program.
When discovering differences in date or size, the complete file is copied over.
FFS does not do incremental syncs (at file level).
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Joined: 21 Nov 2019


Thanks for the answer.
So if I have a 5gb txt file, and I'm adding data to that file. On the next sync will he sync the 5gb again? If I set the sync to be done every 1 minute, is there a risk of a sync starting without the last one ending and locking the sync?
Thank you.
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Syncing every 1 minute seems overdone in (almost) any case.
But likely that is not what you mean.
I assume you mean the idle-time setting of RTS (isn't assumption is the mother of all f***-ups ...).
This means that RTS will only launch an FFS sync after first detecting (one or more) changes to the monitored folder(s), and then waits the idle-time before launching the FFS sync.
If further changes to the monitored folder(s) would occur during the idle-time, the idle-time counter is reset.

Execution of the FFS sync task (performing the Compare and consequential copying over of a 5gb (bit or byte?) file) may very well take more than 1 minute (if it is a local copy, it may still be OK).
But that is no problem. See here (bottom paragraph).