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Posts: 3
Joined: 14 Sep 2020



I am relatively new to FreeFileSync and basically know how to use the program. Recently, per my log, I am getting this error message. Previously I was able to sync, but no longer can do so. Apparently it seems to be related to not being able to read permissions. I did not have this before.

11:36:50 Error Cannot read permissions of "H:\JerryS\CAM_ORIG\1948".
ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED: The requested operation requires elevation. [AdjustTokenPrivileges(SeSecurityPrivilege)]
11:36:50 Error Cannot read permissions of "H:\JerryS\CAM_ORIG\1995".
ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED: The requested operation requires elevation. [AdjustTokenPrivileges(SeSecurityPrivilege)]

My environment briefly explained:
(1) PC: Intel Hades Canyon (with two thunderbolt 3 ports)
(2) NAS: QNAP TVS-951X
(3) Century: External 4-bay cradle (USB-C port)
OS: Windows 10 Pro

I have (2) connected to (1) using OWC's TB3 to 10GBe adapter.
I have (3) connected to (1) using USBC to USBC
FreeFileSync installed on (1) (of course.
I use FFF to conduct one-way mirror sync from (2) (share folders), to (3) via (1) PC
After I do a compare and commence the one-way Sync, I immediately get this ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED.

How to resolve?
Posts: 3
Joined: 14 Sep 2020


Wow! Thank you very much. I was going bananas try to go through all these complex Windows 10 loops and and hurdles and gyrations for security and permissions and run as an administrator, only find this as a very simple solution to a problem I made very complex. Works like a charm. Thanks loads for that. It now works like a charm! :-)