Mirroring INSIDE the backup folder

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For example:

Source: D:\Downloads\Stuff
Target: E:\Backup

I suggest a feature where the software mirrors the source inside the E:\Backup folder, creating a target root folder of the same name if it doesn't exist. ie. mirroring to E:\Backup\Stuff\...

This would be convenient when you have a load of different folders you want to backup to one place.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2021


I agree. Right now it's kind of a hassle selecting the RootFolder ("D:\Downloads\") and deselecting files and subfolders except "Stuff"
Unless there is a hidden feature :)
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This would change the existing, long established FFS convention, and would create a difference between a FFS Mirror (and Update?) sync versus a FFS Two-way sync, where either side can act as Source or Target.

There is no hidden feature, but you can define:
Left: D:\Downloads\Stuff
Right: E:\Backup\Stuff
If Stuff does not exist in your right side location, you can select E:\Backup and then type \Stuff behind E:\Backup. FFS will then tell you that the right side Stuff folder does not exist and ask you if it should create it for you.

Alternatively, you can define
Left: D:\Downloads
Right: E:\Backup
and manually modify your Include Filter from * into \Stuff
Or you can first run a Compare, and then right-click the Stuff folder and select to Include that folder.
You can do the same for more folders to be included.
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You could temporarily exclude everything but the 'stuff' folder, but it's fine as it is. You are telling it to sync 'stuff' on the left to 'backup' on the right, it makes sense that way.
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Maybe this scenario could be covered by adding an input help window for the file filter in the form of a checkbox tree. This would make it possible to set folder exclusions more conveniently, and even before running a comparison! (However conceptually not trivial when considering multiple folder pairs.)
