Not sure if that makes any sense

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Let's see if i can explain well what i'm looking for.

I'm looking how to create a batch job that reflects all the changes made on the pc, on my external hdd, but excluding deletions.
Sync/mirror is good but i already have it with my NAS. The intended use is to have a true backup on the external hdd. That way, if i accidentally delete one file (which is instantly synced to my NAS), i could go to my external hdd "recover" that file.

I already managed almost all what i want but there's one last thing i can't: For it to reflect the rename of a file.

•I have a txt file called "drums" on the pc, i open it and i write something there. Then, if i go to the hdd, i can see that change. Also, if i copy that file to a sub-folder, on the external hdd there will be the file on the original place and the same file on the sub-folder.
Till now everything is working like it should.

•If rename my txt file to "drums_5", that change is not reflected on the 2nd hdd. What happens is a new txt file called "drums_5" is created on the hdd.

I think that FreeFileSync sees the rename of a file like if it was a deletion, so it doesn't reflect that "behaviour" on the external hdd, which makes sense, but there's anyway for me to be able to set it up like i described? Otherwise i will have repeated files only because i renamed it.

I apologize if i'm being delusional and if what i'm trying to do doesn't make any sense. :)

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If you are using "update" as your sync method, FFS will not detect a rename like you described. There is now way around that. What you can do is use mirror instead, which can detect renames/moves and also set up versions that you can use to recover from.
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First of all, thanks for helping me.

Just one more question:
Do you think that for what i want is better to choose "Replace" or "Time Stamp (folder)"? And if it's the 2nd, option, do you advise a minimum of file versions?
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"Replace" just means having one backup version. Only you can know how many versions you should keep. If a file gets manipulated 100 times a day, you will need a bunch of versions to make sure irreversible damaged doesn't happen in a couple hours. But if you have an automated daily report that you check weekly, obviously having around 7 versions would be enough to notice and revert to the last known good copy. That's a personal question, not a technical one unfortunately.
It all depends on what you consider a risk to your data. I don't ever have issues with data/file corruption, and I am set up to rebound from accidental deletions, so one copy is enough for me.
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Thanks for your precious help!