need to have Folders is freefilesync -> configuration tab

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look at the image to get the idea
Manage jobs , manage gropus of jobs , organize jobs
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I understand your request and why/when this would make sense.
But, looking at your list, there may be an alternative.
You have quite a lot of sync jobs that ran 82 days ago.
If you always run those sync jobs in combination, you can define a single sync job that has multiple left-right location pairs (using the green "+"-icon in front of the left-right folder pair definition).
You can use global Compare, Filter and Sync settings (the icons above the left-right pair(s)) that apply to all left-right pairs, and, if necessary, also local Compare, Filter and Sync settings (via the icons in between the left- and right location, once you have multiple left-right pairs) that, in addition to the global settings, apply on a per left-right pair basis.
You can then save such multiple left-right pair sync configuration as a new, combined sync configuration. This may help prevent cluttering of your Configuration list.
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IMAGINE that every folder has 50+GB of data when combined Time and processing power is wasted.
Can you forget for a moment the Last sync date, because i have cloned this config.
Jobs run very very often indeed.
The whole purpose is to have separete folders -> to manage better jobs .
You need to split them in little parts for efficiency-not combine them in bigger and waste cup,time,energy

If folders were present we can have 100+ jobs and not clutter the main panel .
* You approach it like this -> combine the little problems into a big one :) it does work like this.
* We need to divide not combine , thats why we need a simple solution , and not create a bigger problem with your approach.
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Would also like something similar.
Not always needed to compare every folderpair at the same time if you only want to update changes of one or a few current important subfolder tasks.

Feature Request:
- show collapse/expandable tree of subfolder jobs of folder pairs under the SyncSettings name to quickly select one or more folder pairs.
- show last sync next to name of subitem.
- root syncsettings name should show the longest time since last full sync of all subitems/folder pairs.

or like already asked.

Possibility of selection of multiple syncsettings tasks to load multiple folder pair combinations to run a long running batch job without manually starting the next job. Maybe easier but this could clutter the SyncSettings job view.
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Selecting multiple configurations dynamically and color grouping solves most of the problem, no?
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Joined: 29 May 2024


ah i see. Have missed that. Second version already doable.
Until now just used basic folder pair sync. Just recently started to discover all possibilities 👍

Got it. Have to split folder pairs into smaller sub jobs instead of having full device jobs with many folder pairs.

Collapse-/expandable job tree/grouping of multiple jobs would be just icing on the cake.