Copy Folders

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Joined: 23 May 2024


I made a mistake, and selected two separate folders on the source, used mirror, then selected my USB drive on the right, and deleted all the data on the right by accident. I've tried testing selecting folders on the left to add to a source on the right, without deleting, but now the folders on the left to get copied, and nothing happens. Can anyone help me figure out how to select specific folders on the left, then copy them to a usb drive on the right, without deleting existing content on the right? Thanks for any help!

David Cameron
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Don't use mirror, use update
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There are many ways to skin a cat.
Act as proposed by xCSxXenon:
Use the Update Sync variant instead of the Mirror variant
use the Include Filter to specify the folders that need to be included in the sync. Not included files and folders are not affected by a sync.
Use multiple left-right folder pairs and specify specific left-right pairs for each of the folders that need to be synced.