Filesync Filter: Sync only when main folder exists

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Posts: 1
Joined: 13 Aug 2024


Hi there,

I wonder whether this can be mapped with Freefilesync:

Contains all project folders of a company. All folders start with
<P><year><project number> followed by the project name
P202311223 Project Filesync
P202410033 Project Cloudsync
P202111223 Abandoned project

Multiple destinations:
Team folder 1
|_P202311223 Project Filesync
Team folder 2
|_P202410033 Project Cloudsync
Team folder 3

The challenge now is that the content (files and folders) of the projects should only be synchronized to the target if the project directory already exists there.

In this example, the content of P202311223 should only be synchronized from the source to the directory of the same name within Team Folder 1. P202410033 should end up in Team 2. Project P202111223 is in the source, but no team is responsible. Therefore, do not synchronize at all.

Is this possible?
Thank you for your support!