Differential Backup?

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Simple question: Can FFS perform a differential backup?
Source is local computer, files on drives C,D
Target is networked drive on home server, R
Can't get versioning to do it (probably because I don't know what I'm doing).
If this is possible, could I get step by step instructions, please.
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FFS only does differential backups. It doesn't re-copy anything that is already in-sync
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Thanks for the response.
Could I have step by step instructions, please, as I can't figure out how to do it.
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Yep, already looked through those, couldn't find/figure out what I needed to do what I want to do.
Hence, as I requested, step by step instructions would be wonderful.
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It's the documentation...Any more in-depth help would consist of just having someone do it for you. If the quick-start guide, FAQs, and manual aren't enough to get you going, you are probably going to encounter issues in the future that could lead to data loss. Although FFS is a very simple program to use, it does require a full understanding of how it works, as is the case with any software. Maybe a paid one-click style backup solution is better for you?
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"simple to use" and "does require a full understanding of how it works" present a fascinating juxtaposition when used together.
Thanks for your time.
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Maybe for some, but "simple to use" is a relative statement. For me and others here, "simple to use" and "does require a full understanding of how it works" are not mutually exclusive for FFS. This just isn't the case for all users
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And so, for all those other users who may wish to perform differential backup and can't figure out what the docs et al are indicating needs to be done because, for whatever reason, the time required to acquire a "full understanding of how it works" is much more expensive than purchasing a simple backup utility which does the job, I offer...
This lack of time available to acquire a "full understanding of how it works" was indicated in my original query to this "Help/Get help for specific problems" forum by the line "If this is possible, could I get step by step instructions, please."
Such step by step instructions not forthcoming, I recognize the desired solution doesn't exist, or those who know the solution are incapable/unwilling to share/provide it, or those who claim to know the solution aren't comfortable with their expertise hence don't wish to share it.
All of which doesn't matter at this point.
No response necessary...unless someone's going to provide a step by step solution to my original post, or a clear statement such solution doesn't exist.
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Did you even bother to view the tutorials?
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There's got to be something about "provide step-by-step instructions" which is difficult to understand.
One individual equates "simple to use" with requiring a full understanding of a product. Now we have "view the tutorials" without specifying which one of eight or which order of the eight to view.
Normally I would enjoy meeting gatekeepers and such, and my goal isn't to become an FFS expert, it's to set up an automatic differential backup. Nothing in this thread indicates it's doable, and my previous statement "No response necessary...unless someone's going to provide a step by step solution..." seems to be equally challenging.
Have fun, all.
All this thread has taught me so far is this forum is not the place to get help.
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> All this thread has taught me so far is this forum is not the place to get help.

And all this thread has taught me is that you apparently expect or hope people will spend time and effort in giving you help, without you showing any indication of being prepared to put in any serious effort at your side, other than writing quite cynical reactions to respondents pointing you in the right direction.