FreeFileSync Open Source File Synchronization

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FreeFileSync User Manual:

FreeFileSync #Quick Start

— Folder Comparison and Synchronization —

Basic Usage:

  1. Choose left and right folders.
    Choose left and right directories
  2. Compare them.
    Start comparison
  3. Select synchronization settings.
    Select synchronization settings
  4. Press Synchronize to begin synchronization.
    Press Synchronize to begin synchronization
For more detailed explanations on how to set up the most common synchronization scenarios, have a look at the FreeFileSync video tutorials.

Main Dialog Overview

FreeFileSync main window
  1. Change comparison settings
  2. Start comparison
  3. Include/exclude specific files
  4. Change synchronization settings
  5. Start synchronization
  6. Add folder pairs
  7. Select left and right folders
  8. Save/load configuration
  9. Tree overview panel
  10. Synchronization preview
  11. Select categories to show on grid
  12. Synchronization statistics